Healthy Land is Critical for Grevy’s Zebra Survival

We work with pastoralist communities on regenerative grazing practices

© Andrew Peacock

Only 3,000 Endangered Grevy’s Zebra Remain in the Wild

We are the only organisation 100% dedicated to Grevy’s zebra conservation in Kenya.

© Andrew Peacock

People Are at the Heart of Our Work

Over 90% of our team is employed from communities living with Grevy’s zebra.

© Mia Collis

Our Programs

Our Latest News

From Child Bride to Woman Leader: The Story of Sintiwan

Women and girls face many negative consequences if they are not able to access feminine hygiene products. During their cycle, they are unable to participate in the important activities of daily life, which means missing out on community meetings or staying home from school. In response to this reality, the Nkirreten project employs women to […]

Creating Community Conversations About Conservation

Thank you to Mollie Matthews, who provided this blog for us after her time in Kenya. She is a final-year Anthropology and English Literature student at Durham University. She is also a passionate conservationist looking to go into environmental management and conservation coordination. When thinking of the sole organisation in the world which works to […]

Collaring Grevy’s Zebra in Northern Kenya

Wildlife collaring, which strategically puts data-collecting collars on animals that can then be tracked and monitored, allows scientists, conservationists, infrastructure planners, policymakers and other stakeholders to understand how a group of animals moves. This includes keeping track of habitat use, observing migration patterns over time, making behavioural observations, and monitoring population levels. This enables data-informed […]

© Andrew Peacock