
Elephants Give Us An Unexpected Insight

During 2020, large numbers of elephants became increasingly prevalent in Westgate Conservancy. This is a fantastic sign that they consider the area safe and plentiful. However, their presence also poses a risk to community members travelling on foot within the conservancy. Our Nkirreten women’s team – Santarua, Sintiwan, Naimutie and Maasia – [...]

Community Science to the Rescue: Camera Trap Image Analysis Spurs on Conservation

By: Mary Thomas and Emily Thomas, The Living Desert Zoo and Gardens, Palm Desert, CA, USA Incorporated into Grevy’s Zebra Trust’s (GZT) holistic approach to Grevy’s Zebra conservation is a non-invasive method of wildlife monitoring referred to as camera trapping. This system utilizes game cameras to observe wildlife, primarily zebras in this [...]