
Safari To Samburu

El Barta was an area historically rich in biodiversity but the last few decades have seen wildlife bear the brunt of the increasing enmity between the Turkana and Samburu.  A rise in illegal firearms has resulted in increased poaching, the use of wildlife for target shooting, and more wildlife being killed for food during livestock […]

Zoo Team Visit To Northern Kenya

Sixteen professionals from seven different zoos in North America travelled to Kenya to take part in the 2018 Great Grevy’s Rally. Our zoo team included specialists from Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Lion Country Safari, Oklahoma City Zoo, Sacramento Zoo, Saint Louis Zoo, San Diego Zoo and Zoo Miami. We spent one day in Nanyuki training and […]

“We Are One”

El Barta has seen many years of ethnic conflict between the Samburu and Turkana communities, a rivalry which has sadly led to poverty and the loss of lives on both sides, as well as having a detrimental impact on wildlife in the region. Grevy’s zebra are often caught in the crossfire, quite literally when killed […]